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Course Catalog


Home of the Bison

Treat others the way you want to be treated

Do what’s right

Do the best you can

The purpose of the course catalog is to provide students and parents with a brief description of all required and elective offerings at Great Falls High School. You will find a variety of course offerings to explore. Not all courses are offered every year, as class sections depend on student sign-up.

Please study this catalog carefully and make your choices reflecting your future goals and ambitions. You should make wise decisions and choices about your complete high school education. Freshmen through juniors are enrolled in seven periods per day while seniors are responsible for six periods per day unless the student is involved in a Work Experience program.

Your teachers and counselors are available for help with your selections for next year and for the planning of a total high school program. Parents are urged to call the school counseling department at 268-6330 for answers to any questions they may have regarding their student’s program.

This catalog is a listing of courses available to high school students at Great Falls High School. The actual courses scheduled each semester are dependent on adequate student sign-up, facilities, teacher preparation and other features associated with organizing the educational program. Therefore, every course may not be available every year or semester.  Current syllabi for each course are found under each course's description.  Syllabi are found by clicking the teacher's name.

The arrangement of the catalog is by program areas such as mathematics, science, and social studies. Required and elective courses may be selected from all program areas. The listing provides a course title, prerequisite, and an abbreviated description of content. Additional information about a specific course may be obtained by contacting the appropriate high school department chairperson or counselor.

Course Catalog

Course Descriptions